Juxtaposition Arts, Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR)
Adrienne Doyle, Lead Facilitator
Juxtaposition Arts YPAR Youth Apprentices
Elijah Buchanan, youth
Taisia Cleveland, youth
Bird Coulter, youth
Dara Crawford, youth
Tatiyana Gross, youth
Justice Jones, youth
Ky’Mari Love, youth
Sage Mack, youth
Makeda Parrish, youth
Evictions Research Project Advisory Council
Jennifer Arnold, InquilinXs UnidXs por Justicia
Bob Bono, Alliance Housing, Inc.
Christopher Ervin Brown, tenant
Lucretia Brown
Elizabeth Glidden, Minnesota Housing Partnership
Luke Grundman, Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
Eric Hauge, HOME Line
Jewelean Jackson, tenant
Shanika Henderson, tenant
Julianne Leerssen, City of Minneapolis
Lael Robertson, State of Minnesota
Rosalind Sullivan, Attorney
Carolyn Szczepanski, The Alliance
Zoe Thiel, City of Minneapolis
Lisa Thornquist, Hennepin County
Jonathan Williams-Kinsel, City of Minneapolis
Nikki McComb, Art Is My Weapon
Early Engagement Partners
InquilinXs UnidXs por Justicia
Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
Minneapolis Promise Zone
Hennepin County Courts
Minnesota Multi Housing Association
Urban Homeworks
Project for Pride in Living
Northside Achievement Zone
Minneapolis Public Housing Authority
Neighborhood Hub
People Serving People
Community Action Partnership
City of Minneapolis, Regulatory Services
Stairstep Foundation
1 Family, 1 Community
Minneapolis Public Schools
Faith leaders across 55411 & 55412
St. Stephens Human Services
CURA Staff
Jonathan Miller
Kristen Murray
Katie Hare

©2019 The Regents of the University of Minnesota.

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The views expressed herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis or the Federal Reserve System.